Dennis The Menace Rides Again

Dennis The Menace Rides Again

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Dennis The Menace Rides Again

Dennis has come a long way since he burst into newsprint, his hair in his eyes and a trail of jam behind him.

Here in DENNIS THE MENACE RIDES AGAIN is the little guy at his irrepressible best-a professional tyrant, a sophisticate in short pants, an old hand at puncturing large egos, a remorseless operator with a streak of bravura a mile wide. And as much as we (and millions of others) love him for his high-jinks and high spirits, we love him even more for doing-with incredible aplomb-the things we never dare to do ourselves.

Dennis the Menace Everybody's Little Helper


Well, look at it this way...he does help to keep you on your toes...and your hands and knees


Besides, laughter is good medicine, so Dennis is just what the doctor ordered.