A Scrapbook of Late Beginnings
By Carol Goodwin
Though Late Beginnings is quite personal, it is not necessary to know me or my family and writing expresses. The appeal of the book is that it is wholesome and reflects life within American families.
The book covers three crucial years. During that time we became one of the displaced farm families. While many relationships around us fell apart, we--for a reason perhaps as simple as love--did remain together as a family and as people who respected each other. For ten months we lived with my mother-in-law, a move which added another generation to the family unit. My husband and I returned to college. Our Daughter graduated from high school and then entered junior college. We each began new jobs and new lives, carrying both old and new insecurities.
The humorous pieces in this book greatly outnumber the serious ones becuase when life was difficult, I needed to remind myself that life is, after all, more funny than sad.
I hope Late Beginings