Dragonflies on My Rod Tip

Dragonflies on My Rod Tip

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Growing up in the Ozarks can be tough, but very rewarding.  Most people who did were raised around a host of folks who made a mark on their lives.  Many of these characters come to life in this book, Dragonflies on my Rod Tip, a collection of short stories and fishing, hunting, and life in the Ozarks.
The stories are based on the author's experiences, memories, and imagination.  They reflect how many grew up in rural Arkansas and other places on the banks of rivers or lakes, in the woods, and driving down a dusty dirt roads.  
You will find yourself reliving some of your own childhood memories as you get a glimpse into the life of the author.  Whether or not you hunt, fish, or grew up in the Ozarks, Dragonflies on my Rod Tip will make you laugh, cry, and refresh your soul with the charm of life in the outdoors and small rural towns.